Guns and Fan Stuff and Offers — Oh My!

So… it’s been a while since I’ve updated. What have I been up to?apple jam 2

Well… lots. And not much.


You might remember that I mentioned a while ago about the opportunity I got to volunteer for a college film project. Well, the film itself wasn’t a college project, but a handful of students from a wee Catholic college made up about half of the crew. (They were taking a month-long film course and this made up a week of their coursework.)  The short film is a WWII piece and – I didn’t find this out till a couple days into the shooting – based on the director’s family story!

I showed up at the college a day before the filming started, which turned out to be a good thing. I was put to work right away sticking bits of coloured electrical tape on various pieces of borrowed costumes and props so we could use them freely without having to worry about what belonged to which lender. Only a few items were real WWII pieces while the rest were replicas, but it was still really cool handling all that history (though it did feel weird labelling them with hot pink or neon green tape!). I stayed up late to finish, which I didn’t think would be a big deal. I’m used to going to bed at 1 am, right?

Yeah, that was before I realized that the college blasts fanfare-type music over speakers in the dorms. And since we had to leave at 7 to get to location, that meant that the Catholic students had Mass at 6, which meant the fanfare went off at 5. In the words of my favourite fanfiction author, it was “waking up at the crack of stupid.” 😀

For four of the six days of filming, I was assisting the wardrobe lady. She was an interesting character, but pleasant to work with and I think I picked up a few things about the industry from her. It was a wonder seeing how she made do with what she had to work with – she knew very few of the actors’ sizes, so all of her shopping was based entirely on guesswork. On top of that, we couldn’t bring all of the wardrobe with us on any given day (too much to pack day to day), so sometimes we’d end up leaving something behind at one location while we were stuck at another. And there were a couple times the director changed his mind about something (such as changing a scene from day to night), so she had to adjust the wardrobe accordingly. So she’d cut down (very, very drastically) a pair of preteen boys’ pants to fit a six-year-old or sew a couple little-girl dresses. Besides that though, it was a rush to get everybody dressed and then long stretches of nothing (unless she had to run to Value Village or sew something for a future scene or we had to prep for the next scene or day). It was a very interesting process to be sure. In her words, “a lot of hurry-up-and-wait”.

The remaining two days on set, I was with Set Decorating & Props, which was more relaxed than Wardrobe (though a great deal more walking!). It also allowed me to be on set for those two days and see how the film was going and how the director interacted with everybody. (I had only met him briefly on the first day when I was labelling stuff and I didn’t properly meet him till our last day of filming.)

Now, even though I’d have been very happy indeed in front of a computer screen and editing what was shot, I wouldn’t trade this experience out. I think it’s valuable for anyone in this business to know at least something about a department not their own specialty. Making a film, after all, involves a team. It could be a very small one like my own short skit, or a slightly bigger one like this piece, or a massive one like The Lord of the Rings.


A bit before, during, and afterward till the present (and onward), I was working a little bit here-and-there on a couple personal projects. One is to make trailer videos for my favourite fanfiction author for three of her Narnia fanfics. The other is to make an inspired-by-How-to-Train-Your-Dragon Narnia video for a fansite I frequent.

Thanks to the generosity of the man I was working online for for a month earlier this summer, I still have access to an editing program that he had wanted me to learn. I’ve been using it to gather the clips I need for these little trailer videos from various movies and TV shows, an ability I had for only half of my material last time I made a fanfiction trailer. And with a much larger cast of characters over these three new fic trailers, it’s a really good thing I’ve got that ability now, or I’d really be stuck!

As for the HTTYD/Narnia video, it’s going to be really basic. My little sister helped me film myself a few weeks ago (and put up with much frustration from me and repetitive tasks). I still have to record myself narrating the script (oh joy… I’m not very fond of recording myself, haha) and then actually edit the thing.

More recently, I was inspired to fiddle with a new fanfiction idea myself. It started with a song I happened upon on YouTube: Josh Wilson’s “Symphony”. Because I’m such a Narniac, I eventually found myself connecting the song with Narnia, particularly the creation scene in The Magician’s Nephew, specifically when Aslan creates the stars and they sing in harmony with him. And, regarding another fanfic – this time one that I’d started but not continued -, I’ve been thinking more and more about ways to change what I’ve got to improve it and work an easy transition into what I want it to end with.


Since I started work at Walmart, I’ve had a chance to read some. I started with one from the free box at church, Kay Arthur’s Israel: My Beloved. I won’t say very much here since I want to post a more detailed review of it (when I actually write it… haha), but I will say that it was okay and that my main problems with it are not Scriptural or historical, but stylistic. It’s pretty bad when an author unnecessarily tells you the obvious (such as say that a character is upset… when it’s very clear that the character is indeed upset, based solely on his or her dialogue) or when the writing is so un-compelling at times that you think to yourself… “So… if these characters are literally ageless… how long does it take for the kid characters to age?”

Anyway. That 400+-page book is done and I’ve started reading CS Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Much more interesting and thought-provoking. 😀


Oh, and I’ve been having a bit of fun in the kitchen! Ever since I came back from England, pasties have become an overnight staple in this household! I make large batches of them at a time and we find ourselves running out rather quickly. Mom still oversees the cooking and seasoning of the filling, but my specialty is the dough. For once, I excel at something in the kitchen! 😀

And I tried making challah, Jewish Sabbath bread, once so far, but our yeast was old, so the bread didn’t turn out right. Still tasted good, but it didn’t rise at all. So I’m going to try again.


And now, for more serious matters. After a summer of most companies ignoring me (ie: not even letting me know I was rejected for a given job), the phone started ringing off the hook the last couple. Which was both exciting and frightening. Exciting in that finally someone (or several someones, as is the case) was showing interest. Frightening in that I had a juggling act of not wanting to turn down offers, but also making it clear that I wasn’t committed anywhere yet. Today, I had an interview for a tax/accounting job here in town and I got a good impression from the lady who runs it and it seems she had a good impression of me (which I was a bit worried about not achieving, to be honest (either because I felt I didn’t do a great job of that or because so many others had turned me down or perhaps a mix of both)). When I was called this evening regarding the interview, I was fully expecting another “we-don’t-think-you’re-the-right-fit-and-we’ll-be-pursuing-another-candidate” speech, so I felt a rather sudden surprise when she said congratulations. I won’t be starting till September, but I’ve at least got a solid job offer now!

Now. Why tax and accounting? Numbers aren’t my forte. They never were. And how fun can doing taxes, especially other people’s taxes, be? Well, there are a couple things. One, it’s close to home. I could just walk if I wanted to. Two, it’s better than calling the cosmetic surgery clinic back and resigning myself to stick around for a while with them to help pamper people’s body images. Three, who knows, maybe this experience will help me get what I actually want (yes, I know any job can technically do that, but I think I was a bit encouraged when this lady pulled out bits of my media-heavy, media-focused resume, like directing a short film skit, as characteristics she was pleased to see). Four, … maybe I’ve become just a little more teachable? This summer’s not been fun so far as trying to achieve my dream has gone (aside from the film project mentioned above!) and there’s been much frustration along the way. But I’m hoping that I won’t blow this like I may have done with other offers and jobs. I know a lot of that depends on my attitude and I know that needs a lot of working on. But for now, I’m hopeful.



Prince Caspian: Why a Decent Film Disappointed Me

2009_06_12_blog_rhubarb_strawberry_jamIt was May 18, 2008 and I was excited. My best friend was taking me to see Disney / Walden Media’s latest release, Prince Caspian. We had watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe the night before and were anxiously awaiting the moment Prince Caspian appeared on the silver screen. To my surprise and dismay, the story was far more different than I’d anticipated. As much as I enjoyed the movie, I was able to point out all the undesirable parts as we walked out of the theatre. Since Prince Caspian is one of my favourites in the Narnia series, I was naturally disappointed with the film. Rather than lay out the entire script and indicate each discrepancy, I’ll just point out the most obvious differences between the book by C.S. Lewis and the movie by Andrew Adamson.

Over time, I was able to pinpoint the greatest problem in the movie: Peter’s arrogance. Most of what went wrong in the film was a
result of this character change. C.S. Lewis’ Peter was mature, humble, a good leader, more than willing to ensure Caspian’s kingship. The Peter of the book tells Caspian, “I haven’t come to take your place, you know, but to put you into it.” Caspian was tongue-tied with respectful awe when discussing plans with Peter. Andrew Adamson’s Peter, on the other hand, was a teenaged boy who was struggling with being a kid again after having been a great king once; thus was born his discontent and arrogance. Makes sense; what teen 769_1wouldn’t feel that way? William Moseley, who portrayed Peter in the film, put it this way: “Peter’s got his own issues to deal with, and Caspian’s got his own…, and when neither is willing to compromise, there’s bound to be friction. … I think they both have to learn a certain humility. And that’s really what a great King needs is to be humble, to listen to his people, to be willing to compromise. [They] start off as these sort of angry teenagers, and become kings at the
end….”* Adamson’s reason for this change is understandable, but did it really have to affect the rest of the story?  The Peter of the movie strives to regain his position as the magnificent High King. His attitude in the movie brings about disaster: he gets into a fight with fellow schoolboys, Caspian gives him resistance rather than respect, the unnecessary Night Raid was a show of his “I can still do this” mentality, and his high-and-mighty snobbishness prevented him from taking advice. Not to mention that the audience likes him that much less.

47-caspian-susanAnother problem created was the Susan-Caspian “romance”. First, C.S. Lewis’ characters were younger than they are portrayed in the movies; second, the girls hardly get to know Caspian as they were separated from their brothers prior to meeting Caspian. But these aren’t the only problems to the movie’s pseudo-romance, for C.S. Lewis introduces us to Caspian’s future wife in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and she is again mentioned in The Silver Chair. The Prince Caspian moviemakers dug tumblr_mesarf5LUU1r1j0hvo1_500themselves into a hole, which those involved with The Voyage of the Dawn Treader had to deal with when they introduced Caspian to his future wife. The “romance” not only complicates matters, but it is also pointless. Hollywood doesn’t seem to understand that it is possible to have an amazing story without a kiss.

The Prince Caspian movie is much darker than its predecessor, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Both were more violent than the books. While I very much appreciated the battle from the first movie, there seemed to be too much of it going on in Prince Caspian: everything the characters did would lead to multiple deaths – or threats of death – that should never have happened in whatever manner. The Night Raid – which is non-existent in the book – is the largest factor of this.

la137_0310_v052_f41My greatest disappointment in the movie lay in Aslan’s general inaction. The most crucial scene in the book is the one in which Aslan leads the Pevensies to Caspian’s camp, being visible to them only according to their measure of faith. Peter and Edmund thus made it to Caspian’s camp in time to stop the hag and werewolf from trying to call back the White Witch. The film alludes to the rendezvous between Aslan and Lucy before the faith-based follow-the-leader, but it turns out only to be a dream. The great lion only truly appears partway through the final battle suddenly to save the day. The spiritual aspect of faith found in the book is not there.

Despite all the movie’s negatives, there is one thing that redeemed it from a worse disaster. Ironically, it happened only because of the two worst mistakes: Aslan’s absence and Peter’s arrogance. Where the book merely threatened to call back the White Witch, the movie almost succeeded in bringing her back – which in itself interested me as I howalways wanted to know what would happen if the process was started. In the film, the magical procedure is started because Aslan
hadn’t shown up and the Pevensie option appeared to be a dud. The procedure is interrupted; the hag, werewolf, and the traitorous dwarf are killed; and Peter shoves Caspian out of the enchanting circle drawn in the dust. The White Witch turns her attention to enticing Peter himself to bring her back, telling him truthfully enough, “You know you can’t do this alone.” Just as Peter looks ready to give in, Edmund skewers the icy apparition and leaves Peter to gaze upon the carving of Aslan on the wall, framed by two pillars of ice. That very shot is the most important and most poignant of the entire movie, especially for the Christian: we can’t do it alone and we don’t – as Peter put it – “have it sorted”, but there is one Source of help we should always resort to.

I am quick to take the purist view on the matter – especially concerning the spiritual allegories – and, for the most part, I hold to the idea that Andrew Adamson’s Prince Caspian is inferior to that of C.S. Lewis. At the same time, I am also quick to point out that despite the changes I detest, the moviemakers did exchange one great spiritual truth for another that is just as important. Regardless of this one great redeeming factor, I add it all together and find that the film adaption falls short of the book’s high standard.

(* William Moseley. “NarniaWeb Set Report #5” (interview). October 18, 2007.


The above was a paper I wrote in my second semester of college, so apologies for any mistakes or any moments in which I lacked clarity. I could probably communicate my thoughts better now, but posting this old paper is much easier. 🙂

by grace restored coverThe following was a movie-verse fanfiction I wrote more than half a year after that. This fic allowed me to do two things: 1) rant and rave about what I hated about the movie and 2) reconcile myself to the fact that the changes regarding Peter really do make sense.

The high king has returned to Narnia, but he’s going to learn some lessons the hard way. Once he’s humbled, he learns another lesson: grace. A collection of Peter’s thoughts during Prince Caspian, movie-verse.

Click here to read it!